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7D Hologram Technology Will Change Events Forever

This incredible 7D hologram show is probably one of the most exciting tech advances for events since the invention of electronic registration systems.

Super realistic high definition 7D holography can bring wild animals leaping from the stage right over the delegates heads, or have an astronaut float out of a film frame and right into the midst of the audience during a product launch.

If this technology can be affordably and smoothly deployed, imagine the possibilities it can deliver; from event theming, stage A/V, stage design, general event signage or even an experiential registration experience – the possibilities are endless!

UPDATE – Thursday 18th February 2016

There has been some speculation about the authenticity of the above video, thankfully, Katie Deighton, Senior Reporter at Event Magazine, has been kind enough to share what she has learnt on the subject:

“I’ve seen this flying round LinkedIn a lot lately, so for the purpose of accuracy (and according to Snopes).

The above-displayed video was originally created by a company called Magic Leap in order to demonstrate the potential capabilities of its technology. While the Magic Leap device is still shrouded in mystery, several articles written about the device explain that it’s a wearable that deals in “mixed reality,” which layers unreal, virtual objects over real, tangible ones.

Users will be required to wear something over their eyes (similar to Google Glass or Microsoft’s HoloLens) in order to see three-dimensional virtual imagery as the children in the video are not wearing any sort of special headgear, we can assume that they did not actually witness a hologram whale splashing through their gym floor.

Sorry folks, we’re not at ‘7D’ (whatever that means) projection quite yet!”

Although I’m really disappointed that the technology is not as around the corner as I would have hoped, there is some good news.

Yesterday, at the BNC Event Show, I met an event production company and discussed their use and experiences of 3D Projection and similar technologies.

Thankfully – though not as spectacular – the technology does exist, only in a more primitive form. It also doesn’t require any special head gear to be worn by viewers; just a very controlled environment in terms of lighting, viewing angles, a huge amount of space and of course, an enormous budget.

Fingers crossed that there will be major advances on ‘7D’ (like Katie, I’m not quite sure why 7D when 4D would suffice) technology, as to me – if you haven’t already guessed – the idea of hologram technology is so exciting!

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