InAnyEvent London Magazine

Alcoholic Jam Anyone? Breakfast Has Lost Its Virginity!

Breakfast is often touted as the most important meal of the day – but, quite often, it’s also the most boring. Alcoholic jam is here to make breakfast 1,000 times better!

Yes, we’ve seen all the wonderful gourmet concoctions that people are whipping up on Instagram, but, when you’re pressed for time, trying to blow-dry your hair with one hand and pull up your tights with the other, they all seem a lot less viable.

So, if we can’t have pancakes drizzled with Nutella, cream, and walnuts for breakfast, how can we up the decadence factor?

With alcoholic jam, obviously.

Jam has been the love of our life ever since we were first introduced to it all those scones and slices of toast ago; it’s fruity, it’s sugary and it’s a viable cure for a broken heart (according to Monica in Friends, at least)

I need a plan to get over my man. And what’s the opposite of man? Jam!

I need a plan to get over my man.
And what’s the opposite of man? Jam!

Sure, it doesn’t necessarily seem logical, but we’re very much on board with it. Because jam is wonderful. However, if you thought that perfection couldn’t be improved, think again: some genius has come up with the idea of alcoholic jam.

Jam. That has been infused with alcohol. We’ll just leave that here for a moment…

Just think of the possibilities: you can spread it on your toast, or stick it on your scones. You can pop it in your porridge, or use it as the filling to a boozy Victoria sponge.

Or, you know, you can just spoon it straight from the jar and into your mouth if nobody’s looking. It’s your jam, and you can do as you ruddy well please.

There are a few delicious flavours available; a fruity plum, fig, and brandy jam, or a refined pear and amaretto version.

Jam with brandy, anyone?

And let’s not forget the Christmas Pudding jam of our festive dreams, which is packed full of apple, raisins, spices, and dark rum.

Ding dong merrily on toast, we say.

Yes, it’s Christmas Pudding – but not as you know it…

All of these boozy jams are available for £5 (an absolute steal, in our opinion), and they can be ordered online – so you don’t even have to go out and forage the supermarkets for the stuff.

We reckon they’d make great stocking fillers this Christmas. Or, you know, emergency supplies for your own cupboard: we reckon they’d come in handy for impromptu Sunday brunches, lazy breakfasts in bed or the perfect fuel to get you through that miserable Monday morning.

Of course, alcoholic jams aren’t exactly brand new to the market; there have been recipes for us to DIY our own for years. And, of course, there’s a whole range of them on Etsy – including a Prosecco and strawberry version, and a (yes!), lemon and gin number.

Throw in the Mojitorosé, and red wine options, and you have enough boozy jam to stock up your very own breakfast bar.

What a time to be alive, eh?

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