Horny During Quarantine? This Flowchart Will Help You Figure It Out
By now, you probably know about the term "social distancing" — having to keep a CDC-recommended six-foot distance from everyone apart from those you're staying at home with.
1 min read
Scientists Reveal Why You Need to Stop Being Such a Flake
Research suggests that cancelling on someone is the ultimate way to feel as if you’re in charge of your plans (and destiny) – and there’s pleasure, as well as relief, to be found in being flakey.
4 min read
Oi! Stop Breaking Your Own Damn Heart!
Stop telling yourself you're not good enough. Stop thinking you're less. Stop walking around with your head to the ground, picking at every flaw, focusing on every deficiency, making a list of wrongs just to tape it to your...
2 min read
9 Unexpected Health Benefits of Drinking Prosecco
Prosecco is one of the most deliciously decadent drinks around, and there’s nothing more fun than partaking in a glass or two on a night out.
4 min read
Guess What’s Been Dubbed The Most Off-putting Thing You Can Possibly Do in An Email?
Work emails are, as we all well know, a potential minefield; tone can be lost, meanings misinterpreted, and tensions can reach insane new highs with each person you passive aggressively CC in.
2 min read
OFFLINE DATING: A Short Film That Will Strike a Note With Lonely Londoners
Whatever happened to 'their eyes met across a crowded room'? Yes online dating is a lifeline for those who find approaching someone they are interested in difficult, but it has become the de-facto way of establishing that first contact...
My Open Letter to a Friend Who Needs to Realise Their Self-Worth
We’ve been taught to cover up the ugly parts, mask the pain, and respond with routine answers of “Things are good,” and “I’m fine,” whenever someone asks how we are. We keep silent about too many things, at the...
5 min read
Failure, Glory, Crashing Waves, Mental Health & Me
When I tell people about what I’m doing, I often get asked the question “Are you mad?”. The short answer to that question is yes, I absolutely am.
4 min read
9 Signs That You or Someone You Know Might be an Introverted Narcissist
Not all narcissists are bombastic and in-your-face. When it comes to narcissists, it is believed they come in 2 flavours: the grandiose and the covert so here are 9 signs to look for to determine if you or someone you know...
5 min read
4 Vagina Facts That Will Improve Your Sex Life
It's 2017, yet most women are still clueless when it comes to their own vaginas, even though the female body has changed very little since our cave dwelling days.
4 min read