5 Tips on How to Handle High Maintenance Clients
As with any business in a service industry, events has its fair share of high maintenance clients, you know the ones I mean, those who call 10 times a day, email even more and somehow always push every one of...
5 min read
Dare to Follow Your Dreams
The rule is simple, and we’ve heard it a million times – follow your dreams; but here is the truth nobody tells you before you set off on your journey.
2 min read
How LGBT+ Teachers are Transforming London’s Education
The National Union of Teachers has created a buzzing community of LGBT+ Teachers across London with their next event being held on Friday 4th March 2016. LGBT+ Teachers Senior Organiser, David Braniff-Herbert, explains the key elements behind the driving...
3 min read
Rejection: Change How You Handle It
Like so many, I have been rejected more times than I can count, thankfully like most of us, I have also learnt to handle it pretty well - until now.
3 min read
How to Prevent Depression From Stopping You Get What You Want
People today don't confront sadness because we think it keeps us from achieving our goals - This is a toxic trait we must steer away from.
5 min read
Intuition or Intellect? How To Be An Authentic Entrepreneur In An Artificial World
In a world filled with fake and hollow people, it is not surprising that most aspects of life eventually follow. It’s easy to see things on TV, at the movies, or in the magazines and get misled into thinking that...
4 min read
First Impressions: Should We Really Care What Others Think?
Should we sugarcoat our true self in order to create a lasting first impression, or should we let our light shine bright and not care what others think?
4 min read