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Drunk Portraits: Photographer Takes Fun Photos of People After 1, 2 & 3 Glasses of Wine

Drunk Portraits: Photographer Takes Fun Photos of People After 1, 2 & 3 Glasses of Wine

Drunk Portraits: Have you ever considered what you look like as you become increasingly more unravelled thanks to the wonderful effects of alcohol?

Well, many of Marcos Alberti’s friends now have photographic evidence. “There is a saying about wine that I really like and it’s something like this: ‘The first glass of wine is all about the food, the second glass is about love and the third glass is about mayhem,’ ” says the Brazilian photographer.

“I really wanted to see it for myself if that affirmation was, in fact, true.”

Alberti started inviting friends to his studio and photographing them before having any wine – and then after one, two and three glasses. The results are, let’s say, amusing.

“The first picture is taken right away when our guest has just arrived at the studio in order to capture the stress and the fatigue after working all day long, and from also facing rush hour traffic to get here,” Alberti says. “Only then can fun time and my project begin. At the end of every glass of wine, a snapshot. Nothing fancy – a face and a wall, three times.”

Check out loads of the pictures from the series below. 


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