Event Floor Plans & Seating Arrangements Made Simple [Infographic]
Covering event industry best practices and basics of laying out floorplans, incl. seating arrangements, for banquets, u-shape, auditorium/theatre etc.
2 min read
Top Tips to Make Your Bulge Look Bigger
Men’s style consultant and YouTuber Aaron Marino, has released a cheeky new video explaining how to make your bulge look bigger.
7 Ways to Prove You’re a Trustworthy Event Planner
Trust is the foundation of strong business relationships, both personal & professional; and healthy relationships are the key factor to happiness.
5 min read
9 Tips on How to Deal With Your Start-up Blues
If you've just set up your own business, you're probably familiar with the annoyance of some days just feeling like they are going nowhere no matter how hard you try? Thats because life as a start-up can be harder than...
5 min read
Drunk Portraits: Photographer Takes Fun Photos of People After 1, 2 & 3 Glasses of Wine
Drunk Portraits: Have you ever considered what you look like as you become increasingly more unravelled thanks to the wonderful effects of alcohol?
1 min read
10 Inspired Confidence Boosting Tips to Help You Find Your Mojo [Infographic]
Confidence. We’re not born with it - well, probably not. Like any skill, we build it up over time but many of us however don’t.
2 min read
9 Reasons Why Men Should Take Pride in Their Wank
So, how do you like your ‘me-time’ when you're flying solo? Yes, I am actually talking about the gift that keeps on giving - good old masturbation.
4 min read
The Psychology of Logo Design: More Than Meets The Eye [Infographic]
Whether you are designing a logo for your business or for an event, there is a lot more than meets the eye when it comes to the psychology of logo design and how we interpret them.
1 min read
Can You Guess The 2 Basic Needs We Can’t Survive Without In 2016?
Maslow’s theory now has two sad new truths but truths nonetheless - can you guess which two 'basic survival needs' are now viewed as essential in 2016?
3 min read
Artist Transforms Neighbourhood Slum With Mammoth Mural
Artist transforms neighbourhood slum with sprawling mural set across 50 buildings paying homage to Cairo’s garbage collectors without the government noticing.
3 min read