21 Productivity Tools Every Event Planner Should Know About
The availability of good productivity tools can make or break an event planner's productivity level just when they need it to be at its best.
9 min read
The Confession of an Eventepreneur
This is the most honest I’ve ever been about being an eventepreneur. It’s extremely difficult for me to talk about this stuff and I’m concerned that it will make me look weak. But in truth, I’m tired of smiling...
7 min read
The Incredible Power You Have When You Believe in Yourself
To live a life of high achievement, you must fully believe in yourself and your ability. I challenge you to find me one extremely successful person who doesn’t greatly believe in themselves…bet you can’t.
3 min read
By Sacrificing Your Vulnerability At Work You Encourage Growth
As a leader you enable workplace wisdom by being vulnerable. This courageous act in-turn allows you to start cultivating wisdom & diversify thoughts.
4 min read
4 Ways To Challenge Adversity & Failure Without Ego
During times of adversity, we need to keep in mind these four principles to help us get back up onto feet & do so without ego.
7 min read
Event Planners Succeed When They Go Where Their Fear Tells Them to Avoid
Performing artists believe their professional growth relies on taking the roles that scare them most. Event Planners everywhere, take note.
4 min read
Do You Think You’re Successful Because You’re Lucky?
Make the luck you need to succeed in business, because if you keep waiting for it to just happen, you will be waiting a forever as it never will.
3 min read
Planning An Event? Here’s How To Keep Calm & Carry On
Working in events is stressful. Rated 5th on the most stressful jobs of 2016, event planners share the top 10 with military personnel, airline pilots and firefighters.
4 min read
4 Ways To Bolster Your Mental Toughness
Is mental toughness a trait you're born with or a skill that can be learned? I believe it's the latter. Here are 4 ways to bolster your mental toughness.
4 min read
Why InAnyEvent London Is The Right Agency For Your Next Event
Founder & Master of Occasions Amir Hussein, explains why his unique events agency, InAnyEvent London, is the right agency for your next event.
4 min read