The Confession of an Eventepreneur
This is the most honest I’ve ever been about being an eventepreneur. It’s extremely difficult for me to talk about this stuff and I’m concerned that it will make me look weak. But in truth, I’m tired of smiling...
7 min read
Planning An Event? Here’s How To Keep Calm & Carry On
Working in events is stressful. Rated 5th on the most stressful jobs of 2016, event planners share the top 10 with military personnel, airline pilots and firefighters.
4 min read
The Importance of Event Security For Event Planners
Ensuring security at events is and should always be an essential part of any event planners thoughts when organising any size event, especially with the recent spate of terror attacks around the globe. For most planners, event security has now...
8 min read