Can You Succeed Alone? (Spoiler Alert: Not Likely)
Despite the thrills of entrepreneurship, it can also be a lonely existence. Have you ever felt that way? Like a lonely entrepreneur? Just so you know, it really is okay to admit it.
4 min read
The 1 Bad Communication Habit That Makes You Frustrating to Deal With
As an individual regardless of who you are or what you do, building up your active listening skills is crucial for solving problems, building trust, and winning the hearts and minds of people. Here are four difference makers for...
4 min read
Scientists Reveal Why You Need to Stop Being Such a Flake
Research suggests that cancelling on someone is the ultimate way to feel as if you’re in charge of your plans (and destiny) – and there’s pleasure, as well as relief, to be found in being flakey.
4 min read
How Events Help Bridge the Online/Offline Gap
If you’re running an online business, then you’re still going to want to have some form of presence in the offline world. This helps to humanise your business, and humanisation is something that will encourage people to buy your...
5 min read
Entrepreneurs – Be Who You Needed When You We’re Younger
In this age of entrepreneurs using the web to map out their own career and financial destinies, they are often flying solo while they do it. Sure some have one or two people they might work with on a...
3 min read
Charismatic Event Planners Do These 7 Things
Charisma is defined as a compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others, and this ability to influence and inspire others merely by your presence is a MUST for any event planner.
3 min read
10 Inspired Confidence Boosting Tips to Help You Find Your Mojo [Infographic]
Confidence. We’re not born with it - well, probably not. Like any skill, we build it up over time but many of us however don’t.
2 min read
5 Tips on How to Handle High Maintenance Clients
As with any business in a service industry, events has its fair share of high maintenance clients, you know the ones I mean, those who call 10 times a day, email even more and somehow always push every one of...
5 min read
How LGBT+ Teachers are Transforming London’s Education
The National Union of Teachers has created a buzzing community of LGBT+ Teachers across London with their next event being held on Friday 4th March 2016. LGBT+ Teachers Senior Organiser, David Braniff-Herbert, explains the key elements behind the driving...
3 min read
First Impressions: Should We Really Care What Others Think?
Should we sugarcoat our true self in order to create a lasting first impression, or should we let our light shine bright and not care what others think?
4 min read