Can You Succeed Alone? (Spoiler Alert: Not Likely)
Despite the thrills of entrepreneurship, it can also be a lonely existence. Have you ever felt that way? Like a lonely entrepreneur? Just so you know, it really is okay to admit it.
4 min read
Oi! Stop Breaking Your Own Damn Heart!
Stop telling yourself you're not good enough. Stop thinking you're less. Stop walking around with your head to the ground, picking at every flaw, focusing on every deficiency, making a list of wrongs just to tape it to your...
2 min read
Speak4Impact: What Are 4 Francs Worth?
“Bonjour Madame, do you have a little bit of change to share with me please?” What good can happen to a young homeless man on a cold December night in Geneva with 4 Francs and a good luck wish?
5 min read
Why Most People Will Never Be Successful
"Success" isn't just having lots of money. Success is continuously improving who you are, how you live, how you serve, and how you relate.
3 min read
My Open Letter to a Friend Who Needs to Realise Their Self-Worth
We’ve been taught to cover up the ugly parts, mask the pain, and respond with routine answers of “Things are good,” and “I’m fine,” whenever someone asks how we are. We keep silent about too many things, at the...
5 min read
An Open Letter to All Londoners Who Aren’t Really Sure What They’re Doing
Dear all Londoners who aren’t really sure what they’re doing, first of all, you’re doing alright. It’s important to remember that.
2 min read
19 Confidence Do’s & Don’ts I’ve Learnt From Those I Love Most
We all know confidence is a big component of success - it's the determinant of achievement, the drive that keeps you going. But we don't always have as much confidence on hand as we need.
7 min read
Do You Think You’re Successful Because You’re Lucky?
Make the luck you need to succeed in business, because if you keep waiting for it to just happen, you will be waiting a forever as it never will.
3 min read
Wow Humanity Really Does Exist in London After All
At some point in our lives we all feel lonely irrespective of the city we live in, what we do for a living or how many people we have around us; yet nothing reminds us that we’re never alone...
2 min read
Dare to Follow Your Dreams
The rule is simple, and we’ve heard it a million times – follow your dreams; but here is the truth nobody tells you before you set off on your journey.
2 min read