Intelligent People Stay Up Late, Are Messy & Swear – Fuck Yes!
There's a good reason you we're annoyed as a kid, when your folks told you to clean your room, sent you to bed early & scolded you for swearing.
2 min read
An Open Letter to All Londoners Who Aren’t Really Sure What They’re Doing
Dear all Londoners who aren’t really sure what they’re doing, first of all, you’re doing alright. It’s important to remember that.
2 min read
Do You Think You’re Successful Because You’re Lucky?
Make the luck you need to succeed in business, because if you keep waiting for it to just happen, you will be waiting a forever as it never will.
3 min read
New “Brilliantly Filthy” Maltesers Ad Is Rocking Our World
A cheeky new Maltesers ad featuring a disabled protagonist has been lauded on Twitter for its deliciously naughty use of innuendo.
Why InAnyEvent London Is The Right Agency For Your Next Event
Founder & Master of Occasions Amir Hussein, explains why his unique events agency, InAnyEvent London, is the right agency for your next event.
4 min read
Sex & Alcohol Makes You Happier Than Having Kids & Religion
Money may not be able to buy happiness, but a life filled with sex & alcohol surely can — at least, according to new research this is.
2 min read
Drunk Portraits: Photographer Takes Fun Photos of People After 1, 2 & 3 Glasses of Wine
Drunk Portraits: Have you ever considered what you look like as you become increasingly more unravelled thanks to the wonderful effects of alcohol?
1 min read
Can You Guess The 2 Basic Needs We Can’t Survive Without In 2016?
Maslow’s theory now has two sad new truths but truths nonetheless - can you guess which two 'basic survival needs' are now viewed as essential in 2016?
3 min read
Artist Transforms Neighbourhood Slum With Mammoth Mural
Artist transforms neighbourhood slum with sprawling mural set across 50 buildings paying homage to Cairo’s garbage collectors without the government noticing.
3 min read
Wow Humanity Really Does Exist in London After All
At some point in our lives we all feel lonely irrespective of the city we live in, what we do for a living or how many people we have around us; yet nothing reminds us that we’re never alone...
2 min read