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Why InAnyEvent London Is The Right Agency For Your Next Event

Our Founder & Master of Occasions Amir Hussein, explains why InAnyEvent London, is the right agency for your next event.

When I think about the great pioneers and disruptors of the past, I begin to imagine the character traits of these heroic individuals who have completely revolutionised the way we live today. Some of my favorites include Walt Disney, Alfred Hitchcock, and Leonardo da Vinci. Among them, they disrupted the animation and film industries, as well as the arts, science, music and religious sectors.

Not only were they daring and disruptive, but also determined, passionate, humble, risk-takers, courageous, visionaries and highly imaginative. In other words, they possessed the common traits of your typical serial entrepreneur of the 21st century.

In today’s complex world, disrupting an industry sector is part of every-day life and a critical component to survival for any business. For companies to remain competitive and ahead of their game, company founders need to look deep into the emotional DNA of their customers and needs of society as a whole. They also should identify the “gap” between what has been conventionally offered to the marketplace in the past and what consumer trends are now dictating.

When I started InAnyEvent London in June 2015, it was not just because it was a lifelong dream and ambition. It was from a deep desire to change what people expect from an events agency – sadly, I feel the world no longer values the patience needed to do this.

I truly believe that with the right philosophy and ways of working, every event can excel whatever the reason for it, whatever the budget. To me it’s so simple, and I am shocked and saddened when I see others fall short, but creating events that excel is in my blood. It’s intuitive. It’s second nature. It is who I am.

Influencing Social Culture

During my career, I’ve observed that there are many agencies that deliver good events, and there are some that deliver great events. However, in my opinion, there are few that excel at delivering moments which live on in peoples imaginations.

InAnyEvent London combines branding, digital and event approaches, making us an agency unlike any other. Our mission is to create captivating moments in people’s lives which change their perceptions.

We do this through questioning our clients and understanding what is relevant to their audiences, by exploring their senses, their memories, their opinions and beliefs, their view of themselves and others and even their sense of free will.

We craft moments that spark people’s imaginations. Moments of significance that stay in people’s memories forever. Memories that are shared with others changing how people feel and think.

Our approach focuses on enabling greater connectivity between our client brands, their partners and their audiences. We provide the tools to promote, participate and share the experiences seamlessly, vibrantly impacting each moment we create, making each moment last longer, go deeper and enhance our client’s business.

We have Three Simple Rules at the heart of our culture which drives everything we do here at InAnyEvent London, from how we work, the partners and clients we choose, and the moments we create and deliver.

Our Three Simple Rules

Especially what’s really important to them and work with this at the heart of everything you do.

Don’t be a go-between, a 90-percenter or a Jack-of-all-trades. Be a craftsmen & never stop chasing the impossible perfection.

Be led by your heart, moderated by your head and be assured, where there’s a will there’s a way.

Having said this, and I’ll admit this now, working with us isn’t always going to be easy, we are not ‘yes men’ and we certainly don’t think that a client is always right. InAnyEvent London is not the agency that will say anything to get the money in. We talk from our hearts, we deliver our souls and our clients either love us or leave us.

Every Moment Counts

Overall, happy clients are not the only driving factor. What drives me is building an agency that is a lifestyle employer where craftsmen want to work, an agency where there is no such thing as a ‘traditional corporate environment’ enabling it to create moments that make people talk, an agency that changes the very fabric of what we currently believe to be the acceptable norm. This approach recognises that every moment counts and one bad moment can ruin an individuals experience, starting from within and ultimately seeping into everything we deliver for our clients.

“So how do you measure your success?” is a question that as you can imagine I get asked a lot, and my answer is very simple. We tap into what’s relevant to everyone we connect with; one by one, our moments generate ripples that are felt in the ocean of social culture, creating an eternal legacy built around significant moments that people never forget.

This is why InAnyEvent London is the agency you need to choose for your next event.

We are an agency unlike any other.

Editors note: In July 2017 Amir received an award as one of the HOT50 Game Changers & Influences in events (main picture).

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